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Published August 4, 2023
cartoon man with orange background looking at phone, grape in the background and survey box

Popup surveys are like an uninvited house guest – they suddenly appear on your screen, and you never know what they’re going to say.

But for businesses, surveys are critical to understand how users feel about their app experience.

So now comes the question, how do you make surveys so engaging users can’t help themselves to click and fill them out?

Well, let’s explore some tips to make your surveys unmissable.

What are popup surveys?

A popup survey is a short questionnaire that appears on the screen right when users visit your platform or app. You can add them to understand how users feel about your product, or track customer satisfaction.

Generally, popup surveys are characterized as:

  • Short and to the point: They usually only have one or two questions
  • Stand out: The animatic nature of this survey is in its name “popup”. They’re meant to come up Unexpectedly.

Here’s an example of what a popup might look like. In this case, it’s asking Airalo users to rate their product.

Screenshot of survey for Airalo app

( Image source: Airalo

If you want to get the most out of your survey, you’ve got to make sure it’s engaging and motivating.

Six secret tips to create unskippable popup surveys

Here are six tips to make your popup surveys… really pop –– no pun intended.

1. Popup placement is key

Why is the whole popup placement thing such a biggie, you ask?

Well, it’s all about making the first impression count.

Just like you wouldn’t want to be interrupted in the middle of an exciting movie with a random ad, your users wouldn’t appreciate a survey popping up when they’re in the middle of doing something important on your app.

If you place your popups thoughtfully, they’re more likely to be well-received and completed, rather than being a nuisance.

For instance, consider an e-commerce app. A perfect place to position a popup survey would be right after the user has successfully completed a purchase. They’re already in a good mood (hello, retail therapy!) and it’s a natural pause point.

The popup could ask for feedback about the shopping experience or a product review. This way, you’re not interrupting their shopping flow and you’re more likely to get that feedback you’re after. 

2. Timing is important

Popups should never appear in the middle of tasks. It creates confusion, frustration and interrupts users’ tasks.

When creating a popup survey, consider when the survey would make sense within the context of the users actions of a platform.

For example, a well-timed pop-up survey after a user completes an activity, like finishing a game level, or concluding a workout session, can give you valuable insights into their experience.

Like, “Did they enjoy the activity?”, “Was it too easy, too hard?” ” Would they recommend it to others? ” Such timely feedback helps you iterate and improve the user experience continually.

Good timing equals actionable feedback.

3. Choose your words wisely

The secret to in-app feedback is… to get straight to the point.

Avoid fluffy language and long winded sentences. Your users want to know exactly what you’re asking them and quickly. After all, the act of filling out a survey requires time.

For example, instead of questions like “Please indicate your level of satisfaction,”opt for “How do you feel about the product so far?”.

This helps keep the level of commitment casual, and doesn’t hide the intent of the survey from the user.

4. Personalize your survey to each users journey

Surveys should be personalized to each user’s unique journey and stage of product experience. This will ensure you get accurate results and more engagement.

For example, you wouldn’t ask a new user to rate a new product feature the first time they use an app — it wouldn’t be valuable data AND the user would feel intruded and confused. Instead, you would ask a repeat and active user their thoughts on a new feature.

Another good practice is to include conversational pop ups to personalize the user experience. This means asking users a quick question before asking them to fill out a survey. In fact, conversational popups increase conversion rate from 7.7% to 15.2%, a report by Optimonk found.

Here’s an example of how Vidyard, a tool for video recording, uses a quick survey at the start of their onboarding. They use a quick question to understand how users will interact with their platform in order to give them the best experience.

Screenshot of Vidyard homepage and a survey to improve user experience

( Image source: Vidyard

Fruity tip: It’s good practice to segment your users depending on their user journey, demographics, and app usage in order to get the most answers.

5. Consider the goal of the survey

Each survey should have a clear purpose. As the goal of your survey will have an impact on the question, time of popup, and how you collect feedback (whether it’s a scale, qualitative, or multiple choice answers).

The goal of your survey is your North Star, guiding your questions to gather the most relevant and useful data. It’s what helps you craft questions that are clear, direct, and easy for users to understand. It also helps you avoid any unnecessary or confusing questions that could lead to skewed results.

For users, surveys with a clear purpose that don’t ask them a myriad of questions helps them understand the purpose of the time to fill out the survey.

6. Reflect your brand in your surveys

Your surveys should be more than just a string of questions—they should embody your brand personality.

When your survey reflects your brand’s look, tone, and feel, it fosters a sense of familiarity and trust with your users. It will feel like the company is communicating with their users, and genuinely cares about their feedback, and not a random survey asking for their time.

Surveys are also a great opportunity for brand consistency. When your survey aligns with your brand aesthetics, users are more likely to engage with it because it feels like a natural extension of their interaction with your brand. So, whether it’s your logo, color palette, or typography, make sure your survey looks like it’s part of the family.

Here’s an example of how Scribd, a book subscription service, extends it’s brand into it’s survey copy. Instead of keeping the options to basic words, it chooses to use emotions and phrases like “It could be improved” instead of “Dislike”.

Screenshot of popup survey app Scribd asking questions to its users

( Image Source: Scribd

The tone and language of your survey should match your brand voice. If your brand’s all about being friendly and casual, your survey should sound the same. Keep it conversational, relatable, and easy-to-understand. And remember, the goal here is to make your users feel comfortable and willing to share their thoughts.

You only get one shot to get users to answer surveys –– make it count

Creating engaging surveys isn’t just about making it look good or sound friendly. What you really want is to make your survey as actionable as possible. And with Product Fruits, that’s exactly what you get.

This tool is your go-to buddy for creating surveys that not only reflect your brand but also gather meaningful insights that you can put to use. No more wasted efforts, and aimless development.

With its user-friendly interface and robust features, Product Fruits helps you craft the perfect survey that gets responses and drives action.

With Product Fruits, you are in complete control of how, when, and what your surveys collect. Product Fruits acts as an invisible layer that allows you to create, edit, and send surveys to your users– no coding required.

Experience the ease and simplicity with no commitment or credit card required. We’re confident that our platform offers the most user-friendly solution for survey creation. Try it for free today!

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About the author

Tamryn Mounier
Tamryn is a B2B SaaS content wizard, with over five years of experience working internationally with companies of all sizes. She's passionate about understanding how technology is transforming businesses, and how it shapes the roles needed to support this growth. When she's not working, you'll find her outdoors busy surfing, running, hiking, or climbing.

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